Volunteer Recognition Party
Last night Habitat for Humanity Montgomery County had their annual volunteer recognition party! I have been volunteering for Habitat for about 3 years as a build photographer and love every second of it. It started in Philadelphia where I found my love of climbing ladders, being on roofs and working with amazing people coming together for a worthy cause. If you are not familiar with the work Habitat does, please check out their website and volunteer or donate to your local chapter because “everyone deserves a decent place to live.” Habitat makes it very easy to volunteer with so many volunteer options. If you are afraid of heights and hammers and have an aversion to paint brushes, there is still a volunteer option for you. Thank you to Whole Foods for donating last night’s yummy food and to the staff at HFH-MC for all you do and doing it with energy and smiles. Oh, and thank you for my award!
flowers and blow-up hammers
Jessica Reid, Director of Volunteer and Family Services
Lori Hodsoll, recipient of the Harry Semmes Award for exceptional service and leadership as a member of the Board of Directors